I choose Metal Gear Solid because I was very familar with the subject matter, being a huge fan of the series for over 10 years. It's possibly the type of product I'd like to one day be involved in when I venture out into the world of creative media. I wanted to show what an innovative gaming series it is, with the earlier titles being the first stealth very games and the latter ones basically being interactive movies. I choose blogger for this project because I was already somewhat familar with it and because I felt it allowed for the customization I required without being overly conplicated to construct.
I searched through many different blogs with layouts similar to what I wanted, each time checking of the source code for hints on how I could replicate that style. Editing the HTML required a lot of trial and error on my part, as I'm still very new to the langauge. One issue I encountered was when I was trying to edit out the date of the posts as I felt it really looked tacky. I solved this problem by expanding the widget content in the HTML editor and looking through the source code for what I needed to edit.
I originally had planned to do an online exhibition, though it was suggested to me because of the text and hyperlink heavy nature of my project, a reference site would probably be a much more appropriate method of displaying the content.
I have used videos and photos in this reference page, with the videos being embedded from youtube and most of the photos coming from wikipedia. I've included a source link with everyone photo used.
I choose this layout for the site mostly for ease of navigation. I wanted to content to be simple to access and read and didn't want to get caught up it making it look aesthetically pleasing.
I've inlcuded hyperlinks all throughout the site linking to infomation and terms relating to the Metal Gear Solid Franchise. I felt this would give the viewer a better background and understanding of the series.
This was a an interesting and difficult project for me. Web design isn't exactly something I have a lot of experience in. My goal was to create an infomative reference page for Metal Gear Solid that is rich content and simple to navigate, I hope I've achieved this.